Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Let's Talk Tuesday - Periscope.

Today we talk Periscope & let me begin with;


but, I do know that it's a big deal. SO I caught my new friend Chris Mcmanamy's latest scope & decided I should probably do a little research. I then found who I am going to call the "Goddess of SM" She is probably my newest interest because she knows what's up. Sue B Zimmerman you are awesome.

I followed her on everything and anything, and on Sunday, she tweeted out; https://twitter.com/SueBZimmerman/status/676037113536712704

at first (to be honest) I was like meh, whatever (bad attitude I KNOW) Then I saw (a follower I already have) tweeted to, +Vincenzo Landino tweeted out that he was doing his top 7 periscope accounts to follow. This really peaked my interest, because I don't know who to follow, so hey I'll watch. I followed up him with watching @fitfabfive5 and her scope on being a badass!

After completely LOVING these 2 I was like well, I should probably watch +Sue B. Zimmerman as well, and I did. Not a mistake.

Hello, Sue is a genius. So I am now a fan, I already love her on snapchat & I am going to watch & listen & learn because Sue you are fabulous! (Suck up much? I KNOW)

I also watched, Amy - +schmittastic who is a doll & a youtube extraordinaire. Every day I'm hustling (ok yes & no, but really every day I'm learning an extreme amount of fabulousness) I don't really do Youtube, but hey, if Amy says they rock, who am I to not at least, check it out? Now I have subscribed to Amy's top 7 YouTubers, I have about 5 bil hours of videos to watch (including Amy's)

Do you follow & love these individuals? If the answer is NO, you should & if you do WHY didn't you tell me about them?

Anyone else I should follow on Periscope? - Please post them in the comments <3


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Let's Talk THURSDAY - Twitter Chats.


Well, I failed not by 1 day but by 2 this time... Maybe I suck at these blogging shenanigans but hey whatevs.

On this fine Thursday, I want to talk about my favourite tweet chats & learn some of yours!
It's kind of fitting because Wednesdays are the motherlode of awesome chats.

I spend far too much time on twitter & giphy simultaneously on Wednesdays because GIF's make everything better. EVERYTHING.

(p.s. Slothilda is my new favorite thing!)

So I start my Wednesday chat extravaganza with #BufferChat at 12pm, my time (EST)  which is always complete insanity, this chat has gotten so popular that if you walk away for a minute you come back to a minimum of 100 missed tweets. IT'S CRA. It is so fun and incredibly informative, I learn so much every Wednesday from this group of social media ninjas that I should really start writing things down!

Next up we have #SproutChat at 3pm (EST) which can be a bit serious but I always learn a ton & there are some seriously fun people in here. We get a bit silly! This one is also full of social media ninjas who I can learn an excessive amount from.

And lastly, this one is hilarious & if you've never been, well you will probably feel like you fell off a truck and are tumbling down a hill. When you start to question your sanity, then you may be about halfway to understanding the conversation that is occurring. #SpoofChat is hilarity, I love the people & it's A LOT of GIF's plenty and plenty of GIF's

so that's my 3, I religiously participate & sometimes I miss them. When I do miss them, I cry myself to sleep because it's just not a Wednesday without all my friends! ;)

What are yours? I would enjoy peeking in on a few different chats to see what else is out there, feel free to share in the comments & or tweet me @OutgoingOwl


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Lets Talk Tuesday! Who to follow on Snapchat!

Hello Peoples,

Hope you are all having a fabulous week. I spent this weekend at a hockey tournament for my middle stepson, technically today is my Monday & I am exhausted.

Lets Talk TUESDAY - Is actually happening on a Tuesday this week (This is rare, let's celebrate)

Today, I wanna talk about snapchatters I highly enjoy.
I have so many, some days it takes me a solid half hour to watch their stories. #FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) Gets me good with snapchat. I want to know what's going on. I totally want to be in the loop! 

Anyone feel me? Do you snap? If so, add little ol me:

Anywho, enough about me. Without further ado, my favorites (for the moment) snappity snappers:

These are in no particular order because I love them all equally ;) Follow all these fab gals & guys by scanning their snapcode with your phone. 


hilarious, awesome, cute as a button, & now a married man! Branden is super fun to watch & does great stories!


Love this doll, she does lab experiments & cool sciency stuff!


Totally hilarious, with a smidge of crazy!


Cutest of the cute this girl. Great snapchat artist & storyteller!

Today this guy was totally on point. Hilarious!

Basically the story master - & hes so handsome (I may have a small school girl crush on this one)


She's a hottie, talks real talk & is always awesome!

These 3 are my most recent followings so I don't know much about them yet, but they are fabulous:



So, what am I doing when I am on my phone all day?
I'm catching up on my favorite snappers (this is only a small collection of all the fabulous people out there)

check out: http://www.snapchat.codes/ for many more amazing peeps.

Who do you follow that I should follow?

<3 Love.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Well, It's Wednesday - Having an Intention

This should be Let's Talk Tuesday - but I suck. 

Let's talk about "Intentions" today. I have begun taking yoga classes again & the instructor always starts his class off by advising we choose an intention for our practice.

  1. 1.
    a thing intended; an aim or plan.
    "she was full of good intentions"

In yoga, this could be something as simple as. "Today I choose to love myself" or "Today I choose to be strong" 

we are told to hold on to this intention throughout the whole class to keep our mind focused. When you're muscles start to shake or you are questioning why you are doing this to yourself.

(Hey, it happens. Why the hell am I bending my legs in this way? I am not a pretzel, I repeat I am not a pretzel)

It's a good practice though, I like the idea of setting an intention for every day. Today I choose to be strong. Is an amazing idea & practice for someone with a mental health issue. Today I choose to breathe when I feel stressed. That could be your intention (If you have anxiety, it will be a reminder throughout the whole day to just breath). Today I choose to love myself. Maybe you do too much for others without worrying about you. It's not selfish. Sometimes you have to choose you.

From: mindbodygreen.com: "An intention is bringing your attention and awareness to a quality or virtue you wish to cultivate for your practice both on and off of your mat. Some examples of qualities or virtues you might use as your intention include; patience, gratitude, grace, being present in the moment, awareness of breath, love, forgiveness, letting go, releasing negativity, being open to receive, inner strength, or peacefulness."

"Train yourself, breathing in, calming your entire body. Train yourself, breathing out, calming your entire body." - Buddha

Have you ever set an intention in your life? Do you practice yoga & how have you found this to better your life?


Monday, November 23, 2015

MinsGameBOSS - Week 3 Recap. ByeByeBye

Week Numero Tres.

Hello, MinsGame friends! How is it going? Are you noticing a difference?

My house is looking glorious!

I sold Fiances bathroom vanity (It was supposed to be put in his old house & he never installed it, He moved it around until it finally ended up in our hallway for a year :|) SO I sold that stupid thing. $220 later and I have my hallway back! YAHOOOOOOOO

That was the big ticket item of the week, I've tried to sell clothes in the past & no one wants my old crap (who am I kidding, I wouldn't pay for it either) So I have just been giving it away, just take it & go. I gave away a garbage bag full of kids clothes sized 5-6, yeah buh bye & next will be their toys.

This week was just a lot of garbage. I am so glad to be rid of it all & I never want to see it again.

I have also adopted a "One in = One out" mindset. I got a new sweater & I got rid of a sweater. Actually like 5. 

That's week 3 in a nutshell. Honestly not that exciting but boy am I noticing a difference! 

How goes the battle friends?
P.S. Do not "forget" a day at this point, it's disastrous! I had to find 43 items the other day & it was stressful. So, just don't do that to yourself.

Oh & Happy Monday - Make it Fabulous!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Lets Talk Tuesday (uh, or Thursday) - Christmas.

Hey there!

I hate Christmas or the holiday season, whatever you prefer.

First of all, now I am offending people when I say "Merry Christmas" because when can you open your mouth and not offended someone nowadays. It's ridiculous.

Second, My family kind of sucks, and no one gets together. This is partially my fault I'm sure because I live 6 hours away from most of them, but hey you could come to me once in a while too. We try to make plans & they just fall through because everyone's busy & no one wants to really put in the effort.

Third, the spending is astronomical and stupid. I would prefer you make me an owl out of a toilet paper  tube. Seriously. OR come over & make decorations & cute stuff with me. OR we could go out and get things for amazing organizations like the shoebox people.  I don't want or know what to buy you & you don't want to or know what you're going to buy me, so why are we bothering? 

Four, it's a sad time. I lost my dad in 2007 & it's just not the same, nor will it ever be. (Where's my beanie babies dad? get it together) so that makes it sad. Other family members don't speak to each other & it's just a big old mess. So where's the happy?

This post is taking a turn for the sad, & whiny so I am going to attempt to turn it around. 

I mean, it's not all bad, but if we're being honest, I am just not for this time of year. 

At least there is peppermint everything & holiday movies!

Sorry for being the Grinch, but hey if you also hate Christmas lemme know, or if you LOVE it please tell me why!


Monday, November 16, 2015

#MinsgameBOSS Week #2 Recap!

Yeah ok,

I suck at doing this in a timely fashion. Technically speaking, today is my Sunday, so just deal with it ;)

WELL, Week 2 was a fun one, I actually was having some trouble. The numbers were getting bigger & my want to hold on to things I "might" use in the future was holding on like sticky molasses.

I got a bit behind on days 12 & 13 and that gave me a bit of anxiety thinking of it as 25 items seemed so extreme but quickly I realized it adds up. Just like that I had 25 items, small things like glommy nail polishes but regardless, 25 items.

I spent a lot of this week on my rendering markers, it's been long overdue. It was depressing though because as each one didn't work I thought about the money I spent on these stupid things. What is a rendering marker? They are very specific coloured markers with a certain type of thickness, they aren't normal because you can layer them to get the colour of things like fabrics, woods, flooring, tiles, etc. Interior Designers used to use them more back before technology took over the world. We needed these in Decorating school and they were $5 a marker (Unless you lucked out and got them on sale) So as I chucked them out, I cried a little ;)

Alas, we made it through! Mom also purged quite a few items & I'm so proud of her!!! She has been trying to get her shit together for awhile but everytime she thought about the amount of crap she has it gave her severe anxiety! So she's making incredible progress and YAY!

Ok friends, go forth and minimalize! Good luck on week 3!
<3 xo.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Let's Talk Tuesday - Life Decisions.

I realize it's Wednesday - whoops.

So we're just gonna pretend it's yesterday for a minute ;)

Today, I am going to talk about life decisions (You know those REALLY big ones?)

You know what is very difficult. When you have to make a HUGE life decision. One that will change everything.

It's extremley scary.

It could be anything; career change, children, buying a house, buying a car, being with someone, not being with someone. All of these things are absoultely terrifying.

The unknown is terrifying.

I think that life is just one giant leap, and you're free falling the entire time. Maybe you luck out and land on a cloud for a while, but eventually you sink through and start falling again. 

So what do you do? What do you do when you are deciding something monumental?! Tell me in the comments. 

I make lists. Pros & Cons can provide some great insight, I decide what about it is better then the current siuation & what is worse, now do they out weigh eachother? Do you leap off your comfort cloud or do you snuggle into the softness & stay right where you are? 

I ask friends & family. This can get a bit gray though because sometimes they aren't helpful. They want you to be happy so "Just choose the one that makes you happy" but, what if they both make me happy & because it's completely unknown what if I choose the new options & I am not happy at all ???? then what???

Life is hard friends. Call me out on this, but is it even harder in your 20's then anything else? It's such a cluster f*** of things. Some friends are getting married, some have 3 kids already, some are so wasted they don't even know there own name, some are just lost, some are depressed, some are still in school, some are gliding through life on a cloud full of roses, some are writing blog posts because they need an outlet, & most of us are really uncertain about what our path is in life!

P.s. This is why I share positive quotes on my Insta page every day, I need that reminder or I'll totally lose it. I think I already am.

I have had a rough week this one. It's so hard to keep frown drowing. I am falling & it's nothing but rain clouds around me this week. Sadness, defeat, loss & hardships. Thank god for good friends, good managers & awesome family. We'll make it through this, as we have made it through many hard times before. Just keep on keeping on or as Dory would say:

So how do you deal with making extreme life decisions? How is your free fall treating you these days? 


Friday, November 6, 2015

Week 1 DONE! - MinsGameBOSS


Have you joined along in the #MinsGameBOSS adventure? -- Did you read my post about it? or do you have NO idea what I am referring to right now? (If you're lost, go back to square 1 http://designmedialife.blogspot.ca/2015/10/the-minsgame-boss-what.html)

so now that, that is out of the way. It has been a great week bit of a whirlwind (Have you ever put things up for grabs on a facebook group? if was like hyenas!) Free is the answer everyone wants to hear.

I have had a great week of eliminating crap I will never ever use.

Day 1: I started off with a BANG & just got rid of all the clothes I had already bagged up plus added an item or 2. This worked out to be 3 large garbage bags full of clothes
(BONUS: Some lady picked them all up and took them away, so I didn't have to take them anywhere!!!!)

Day 2: This is where I got the shoes. I got rid of 2 pairs, 1 pair of boots that don't fit & don't suit me. & heels that I bought and will never wear again. So byebyebye (I've been posting this on some of the posts and it was quite hilarious) 

Day 3: Got rid of some littles. 1 silly headband, 1 mascara that was crap, 1 cover up that doesn't (nor has it ever) match my skin tone!

Day 4: Wallets, Business cards & tablet cases OH MY! ... ciao for now. Tried to sell them. Just gonna give them away now. 

Day 5: 3 headbands that I am not sure why I keep. They don't stay in my hair & just drive me totally nuts every time I tried so why would I keep them? 1 brush that was broken (I just replaced it & didn't chuck it? what a dork) & 1 owl :( watch. 

Day 6: That's today, oh yay! more clothes going bye bye today! I reorganized my closet & found some friends that got missed. Like a very large Krispy Kreme donuts shirt from when I worked there.

So that's it for this week! I guess that is technically only 6 days :| well I'll tell you what goes tomorrow next week!!!
How is everyone else making out this week?? Do you feel lighter yet??

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Lets Talk Tuesday - Managing Social Media

Hello Friends!

*Side note- It's day 3 of #MinsgameBoss ... What have you gotten rid of today?*

Let's get to the point, today I am going to discuss how I manage Social Media for 4 different business, for free, on the side - all without wanting to end it all. 

I am slowly making progress but my fiance & my boss aren't quite on the same page as I am. They don't understand how Social Media Marketing could help. They also won't put any money into it, alas, I do what I can.

Response to my attempts at convincing them about SM Marketing.

I manage Twitter & Facebook for: Hills & Valley Water Systems, AnaLorr Design (My Design Company), Silver Brook Paints (also my Full-Time job) & Outgoing Owl. It's exhausting sometimes but then I have days of complete awesomeness & it makes it all worth it. 
My Fiance & I got a sale last week, that I am 100% sure came from twitter, and that is exciting! It means it is working!

How do I do this without contemplating ways in which to murder everyone & or chuck my computer at the wall? 

One word, One company, One amazing life saving application: BUFFER! 

Honestly, I would die without my little buddy buffer.
I schedule 10 tweets for 3 out of 4 business all in one shot, usually in the morningish (10-12) when I am feeling my most productive! 

& I let it be for the next 10 days. I respond to any RT's, favourites (or now hearts?), likes or comments.
For now that is it.  I am learning where our customers are for each business and where I should probably be focusing more energy. Twitter is great for my Design business, Pinterest would be better for My boss & our store with Twitter. Facebook is where it's at because of the age group for my Fiance & I's water treatment company. It's weird what you start to realize when you pay attention.
I look at the analytics that buffer provides and it gives me enough insight. For now since no one is paying me, what I am doing is working but if I want to one day work for companies who will pay me I have so much more to learn so this is a great stepping stone! I don't want to feel like I am overwhelmed (then I get all kinds of anxiety & that's fun for no one. Ever)

There is so much for me to learn in this industry, I know I'll figure it out one day. I follow all sorts of amazing people on Twitter, read blogs, watch videos, & participate in Twitter chats to learn & learn some more. That being said, if you have any advice for me please send it my way!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The MinsgameBOSS .... What?

Hey Friends!

So I recently met +One Girl, Two Cities ... Aka. Laura on Twitter and she was tweeting me about #MinsgameBOSS and I was like, "Huh?"

So of course I asked, and she told me to check out her blog:
So I did.

Now, If you have been to lazy to click on any of the above options to figure out what Minsgame BOSS is... I guess I'll tell you.

It is how I am going to eliminate 465 items of clutter from my life & from my home in the month of November. Starting Nov 1, You grab ONE item and you get rid of it, you get rid of it good. Then on Nov 2nd, you get rid of TWO ITEMS! Then Nov 3rd, you get rid of THREE ITEMS! I think you get it. Keep this up for all 30 days and that will accumulate to a whomping 465 items!!! Say what?!

That's right people, say goodbye to the clutter. Say goodbye to those 5 pairs of pants that you & I both know you will never fit into again, I don't care how hard you try. If it's been more then a year and you haven't used or worn something, then it is time for it to go. Still have those 552 teddy bears you slept with as a child. I mean come on, you're a grown up now. Lets try to eliminate at least 1 ;). You know that junk drawer? (Don't lie to me, I know you have one) It's time to clean it out. What is even there??? Possibly a dead animal, you don't know! That cell phone you bought in 1973, It's gotta go (possibly to the Smithsonian) I'm just saying.

Have I convinced you? Are you stoked about No Clutter November & The MinsGame? I know I am so come and join us. 

Make sure if you join, you post what you're getting rid of everyday for all of us to see -- check out the above websites for all the information & more awesomeness <3 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lets Talk Tuesday: Social Media Relationships

Hey Everyone,
Am I actually writing to anyone? Please leave comments if you are reading this :)

If you're anything like me, you probably have more friends online then off.
I used to be an extremely outgoing individual, and once I know you, I still am but I am finding society as a whole is difficult to talk to in real life, until you establish a common ground.

This doesn't apply online, why? Because you're already into the same things. Personally I mostly pay attention to Interior Design & Social Media Marketing on my social media so anyone I connect with is also into at least one of those things maybe both so we already have something to discuss.

You're really gonna get me all up in your business if you make a Harry Potter reference. 

Do you like, Harry Potter, Marketing & Interior Design? Then we're already besties - bring it in ;)

So, why does this matter?

I just find it curious, and very intriguing that we can make a better relationship on social media then in real life 8 times out of 10.

Just today, at the mall a young man and myself both looked up from our phones and shared a little smile. How often do those things happen? & how often do we miss them? Are we so caught up in our social media worlds, that we are missing key real life meetings? OR are we making new & better friends through our social media relationships? 

Now I know meet-ups happen quite frequently in the United States but I don't hear of many here in Canada (Specifically, Ottawa) So what comes of these meet-ups? You already know you're on the same page, you know you have similar interests, so when you meet face to face, do you become awesome friends really quickly?

I hope I get some feedback on this post because I am genuinely curious what happens at a meet-up & as they don't occur where I live, I would have to travel and that's just not gonna happen. Not anytime soon anyways.

<<---- Look forward to comments on this ---->>

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

With a Bang - How Being Positive CAN Change Everything!

Happy Tuesday,

I gave up blogging but now I am back, with plenty to say. Life does that.

Today we're going to talk about how being a positive person can change everything.

Recently, I have started posting a daily Positive Quote on Instagram (@BreePalm) & On Snapchat.... Everyday I post the photo on Instagram & tell my snapchatters the quote- Honestly I am sharing it but it's more for me then for anyone else.

In doing this, I am quickly starting to feel better, feel excited & feel happy.
I am a pretty anxious person (I wasn't always this way) and up until I started this positive journey I was starting to feel pretty depressed & just felt as though nothing ever worked out.

I have had some bad & some really great - but until now I was feeling like the hamster was just spinning her wheel, going nowhere fast.

Now however, because of my new found "positive vibes" only outlook on life I feel like the hamster has hopped off her wheel, jumped through the open cage door and is running towards greatness without looking back.

So, why am I saying being positive changes everything? because from now on I refuse to buy into negativity, I refuse to let things that make me un-happy be a part of my life, I refuse to let myself tell me I am not allowed to be happy, and I will find the silver lining on every situation.

Things are looking positive, jobs are coming in for all of my businesses, people are reaching out who weren't before, family is figuring out that we need to get it together, friends are feeling the positive and loving it,  volunteer opportunities are coming to the surface, life is coming together and there is no where but up from here!

Don't ask me why this works. All I know is that you can find yourself in any situation and decide; will I have a positive outlook on this, or a negative one? & which one will bring you out on top? 

I have always said; "Everything happens for a reason" & It is the truth, bad things may happen but sometimes they need to, to make room for the good!

I will continue to post a positive quote a day, if you want to join me on the journey to happiness follow me on instagram & snapchat @BreePalm