Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Well, It's Wednesday - Having an Intention

This should be Let's Talk Tuesday - but I suck. 

Let's talk about "Intentions" today. I have begun taking yoga classes again & the instructor always starts his class off by advising we choose an intention for our practice.

  1. 1.
    a thing intended; an aim or plan.
    "she was full of good intentions"

In yoga, this could be something as simple as. "Today I choose to love myself" or "Today I choose to be strong" 

we are told to hold on to this intention throughout the whole class to keep our mind focused. When you're muscles start to shake or you are questioning why you are doing this to yourself.

(Hey, it happens. Why the hell am I bending my legs in this way? I am not a pretzel, I repeat I am not a pretzel)

It's a good practice though, I like the idea of setting an intention for every day. Today I choose to be strong. Is an amazing idea & practice for someone with a mental health issue. Today I choose to breathe when I feel stressed. That could be your intention (If you have anxiety, it will be a reminder throughout the whole day to just breath). Today I choose to love myself. Maybe you do too much for others without worrying about you. It's not selfish. Sometimes you have to choose you.

From: "An intention is bringing your attention and awareness to a quality or virtue you wish to cultivate for your practice both on and off of your mat. Some examples of qualities or virtues you might use as your intention include; patience, gratitude, grace, being present in the moment, awareness of breath, love, forgiveness, letting go, releasing negativity, being open to receive, inner strength, or peacefulness."

"Train yourself, breathing in, calming your entire body. Train yourself, breathing out, calming your entire body." - Buddha

Have you ever set an intention in your life? Do you practice yoga & how have you found this to better your life?


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